Captain Brett Molzen

“Captain Molzen Charters”

Capt. Brett Molzen, age 26, has been fishing since he could walk. As a kid, he enjoyed teaching his younger siblings and friends how to fish and that love only grew. He is an inshore captain targeting mostly redfish, trout, Spanish mackerel, and flounder. He prefers to fish with artificial baits, but is also flexible to accommodate his clients’ wishes. Capt. Brett has fished several different elite tournaments including the Florida Pro Redfish Series and the IFA Redfish Tour. He is an active CCA member and enjoys sharing and gaining knowledge at Bass Pro seminars and other events. He is also a father, and enjoys teaching his girls the ins and outs of fishing as much as he can! As a charter captain he wants all of his clients to catch fish, enjoy themselves, laugh a lot and take home many great memories!