Capt. Rick Davidson, Editor
Wow, what a month! Some of the best inshore fishing of the year was this past month; giant redfish and trout, a number of very successful tournaments, new decks and Tiki bar at the marina, and pretty good weather…and a first for the Sea Hag: swordfish. Hard to ask for a better month, and next month is looking great as well. Here are some pictures from this past month.

May brings more than flowers; it also brings migrating pelagics through our area in large numbers. Cobia, kingfish and Spanish mackerel will be following large schools of whitebait, adding to the fantastic inshore fishing. Along with the whitebait of all sizes, you can expect to find lots of ladyfish and bluefish as well. While the shallow flats will hold some of these fish, nearshore fishing a mile or so offshore over grassy areas in 5 to 10 feet is a great place to find these large schools. Trolling jigs are the classic way to fish mackerel, but if you want to fish at an easier pace, go to one of the nearshore bars like 9 Mile Bank or Little Bank, put down an anchor, and throw a chum block over the side. Within 30 minutes you should have plenty of fish around the boat….pinfish, whitebait, ladyfish, blue runners, jacks, mackerel and possibly some kingfish. Cast jigs or plugs and expect to catch fish. Make sure you use a 12 inch wire leader to prevent being cut off. Inshore on the flats, daybreak fishing in shallow water around structure is a great way to find some redfish and larger solitary trout, while the schooling fish will be in 3-5 feet of water. Fish lures in the early morning, and jigs and popping corks with Gulp baits on the flats. Some hot areas have been around Pepperfish and the flats in 4 feet of water just south of there, and 9 Mile and Piney Point and behind Big Grass Island to the north, especially for redfish. Offshore, the big news is that amberjacks can be taken in May (but not in June and July). Gag grouper are only legal in state waters off of Taylor and the three counties north, Franklin, Wakulla and Jefferson.
There are several big tournaments this month. The Optimist Club tournament is May 7th, the Fishing for Vision tournament is on the 14th, and the summer-long CCA STAR tournament starts on May 29th, ending on September 5.
This is going to be another fantastic fishing month at the Sea Hag. The Ship’s Store can give you up-to-date hints about what lures and soft baits are getting the job done. And keep in mind, scallop season is right around the corner. Now is the time to make reservations for lodging and boat rentals.